Dustless Blasting

The Dustless Blasting method continues to gain popularity because of its ability to suppress dust AND eliminate heat / friction while blasting. 


Dustless vs. Less Dust?

The mist created during any type of Dustless Blasting operation is similar to what you see when pressure washing. However, some spent abrasive or fine particulate can still be found in this mist formation – it is unavoidable. How far the spent abrasive travels before it falls out of the mist cloud depends on several variables, but mostly it is dependent on the pressure you are blasting at and the type of abrasive you are using. The lower the pressure, the less your abrasive breaks up into fine dust particulate – larger “non-dusty” particle sizes are heavier and will, therefore, drop to the ground quicker.

The type of blast media you use also makes a difference – harder and denser blast media drops to the ground quicker than finer and softer media. For instance, Crushed Glass and Jet-Mag will not travel far before falling out, but calcium carbonate and baking soda will go further because they are lighter and softer than traditional sandblast media. Crushed glass works well for wet blasting, but it still travels in the mist cloud – it is just not as noticeable because of its translucent appearance. No matter what, using water while blasting greatly reduces your dust factor and in many cases will be the only containment you need.

Dustless Blasting: Pros and Cons


  • Dust gets reduced A LOT – up to 92% less dust compared to traditional dry blasting.  Be careful – not all Dustless Blasters are created equal and most will reduce less dust than our machines.
  • Heat and Friction disappear.  No more warping, stretching or surface damage to worry about!  You can now blast soft and thin metals with a hard abrasive to achieve a paint-ready finish without any additional manual sanding.
  • Our advanced technology means more efficiency.  Our Dustless Blasters use up to 25% less media and water compared to other OEM’s – this also means less waste disposal.
  • Indoor Vapor Blasting is also possible.


  • Not a Dust-FREE process, regardless of who’s equipment you use and what other companies may claim.
  • Not a suitable method for below freezing conditions.
  • Used media very difficult to reclaim due to inability to sift out contaminants from spent wet mixture.


Central Mississippi

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Saturday       8:00 am - 8:00 pm

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